Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Usefull Felix GOGO Command List

Usefull Felix GOGO Command List For LIFERAY 7 -:

lb: lists all of the bundles installed in Liferay’s module framework. Use the -s flag to list the bundles using the bundles’ symbolic names.

b [bundle ID]: lists information about a specific bundle including the bundle’s symbolic name, bundle ID, data root, registered (provided) and used services, imported and exported packages, and more
headers [bundle ID]: lists metadata about the bundle from the bundle’s MANIFEST.MF file

diag [bundle ID]: lists information about why the specified bundle is not working (e.g., unresolved dependencies, etc.) in short it is a debugging tool

packages [package name]: lists all of the named package’s dependencies.  This can be used to list all the bundles which use the given package.

scr:list: lists all of the components registered in the module framework. (scr stands for service component runtime.)
services: lists all of the services that have been registered in Liferay’s module framework.

install [path to JAR file]: installs the specified bundle into Liferay’s module framework. If path is not given it will try to deploy the bundle in the current directory

start [bundle ID]: starts the specified bundle

stop [bundle ID]: stops the specified bundle

uninstall [bundle ID]: uninstalls the specified bundle from Liferay’s module framework



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