BLADE Installation for Liferay7
Blade is used to create the OSGI modules for liferay. Though liferay has provided the module support by the plugin SDK, but the modules created by blade can be used with any IDE or any other development environment. Blade is a command line tool that is used to create the modules for liferay 7.
The best and easiest way to install the blade is using the JAR file. This JAR can be installed using the JPM (JAVA PACKAGE MANAGER)
How to install Blade for Liferay7
- Now run the following command in command prompt c:\Downloads>java -jar -g init
- It will get install the JPM in C:\JPM4J
- Now run this command. C:\JPM4J\bin> jpm platform path -a . This will add the jpm command in ENV-User Variable so that this can be used in commad prompt.
- Now add the C:\JPM4J\bin in system variable PATH
- Run the following command from C:\JPM4J\bin, so that the Blade can be installed, C:\JPM4J\bin>jpm install -f
- Once the Blade is installed successfully you can verify the same by running the blade version command.
Blade provides a set of command line tools that can be used to create, update, deploy, start etc a module.
- version-- Display Blade version.
- create-- Creates a new Liferay module project from available templates.
- deploy-- Builds and deploy the module for Liferay framework. It detects the current running liferay7 instance and deploy the module in the same.
- gw-- Executes the Gradle commands using the Gradle Wrapper, if found, else it would not be executed.
- init-- Initializes a new Liferay Workspace.
- install-- Installs a bundle into Liferay’s module framework.
- help-- Gives help on a specific command.
- server-- Starts or stops server defined by your Liferay project.
- open-- Opens or imports a file or project in Liferay IDE.
- migrateTheme-- Migrates a Plugins SDK theme to a new workspace theme project, this is useful when you are migrating the themes.
- samples-- Will create a sample project of Blade.
- update-- Will update the Blade to current version of Blade